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Принятие финансовых и стратегических решений в компании (международной)в период кризиса.

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Фрагменты работ

Принятие финансовых и стратегических решений в компании (международной)в период кризиса.

1 Theoretical bases of decision-making in company’s management
1.1Maintenance of decision-making. Decision-making stages
1.2Bases of strategic management in the company
1.3Model of strategic management
1.4 Concept of financial strategy of the company
2 Strategic targets in business, connection with financial strategy and financial management
2.1 Role of the financial department in company’s strategy
2.2 Cost of business as the basic indicator of strategic financial management
2.3 Evaluation (comparative analysis) of the management estimation during the financial crisis
3Company’s strategy during the crisis
The list of references

The list of references

2.A Competitive paper submitted to the 19th Annual IMP Conference
3.A Strategic Management Issue//http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_McGee
4.ACCA. Climbing out of the Credit Crunch. September, 2008
5.Bantel, K. & Jackson, S. Top management and innovations in banking. Strategic Management Journal, 1989/- p. 107-124.
6.Barr, P., Stimpert, L. & Huff, A. Cognitive change, strategic action, and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 13 (Special Issue), 1992.- p. 15-36
7.Bin Li The classical model of decision making has been accepted as not providing an fccurate account of how people typically make decisions//International Journal of Business and Management, 2008.-p.151
8.Bowett R. Organisation - decision-making in business// Huff & Reger, 2003
9.Calori, R., Johnson, G. & Sarnin, P. (1994). CEOs' cognitive maps and the scope of the organization. Strategic Management Journal, 1994.- p. 437-457
10.Camerer, C. Does strategy research need game theory? Strategic Management Journal, 1991.- p. 137-152
11.Charles R. Schwenk Strategic decision making - Special Issue: Yearly Review of Management//Journal of Management, 2005
12.Charles R. Schwenk trategic decision making - Special Issue: Yearly Review of Management //Journal of Management, 2005
13.Company in crisis// http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2010/12/08/finance/562949979263442
14.Comparative method of estimation of cost of the company
15.Corporate financial strategy and the implementation of the basic strategy // http://www.hi138.com
16.Cost of business in crisis//http://www.personalmoney.ru/txt.asp?sec=1528&id=1288298
17.Crisis forced Peek to change development strategy//www.sob.ru
18.Daily, C. & Schwenk, C.Chief executive officers, top management teams, and boards of directors: Congruent or countervailing forces// Journal of Management, 2003
19.Fadeeva A. Crisis helped to Rostelecom//http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2009/05/14/media/414167
20.Guy St. Clair and Martina J. Reich Financial Strategies and Budgeting// http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alice_Genes
21.Henkel vs Unilever: cometic companies fet over crisis//Trud, 17.06.09
22.Herz R. Lessons Learned, Relearned, and Relearned Again from the Global Financial Crisis – Accounting and Beyond. 08 December, 2008
23.Isaac, M. (1992). Research in experimental economics, Vol. 5. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
24.Joni Tikkanen, Aino Halinen Network Approach to Strategic Management – Exploration to the Emerging//
25.Keck, S. & Tushman, M. (1993). Environmental and organizational context and executive team structure. Academy of Management Journal, p. 1314-1344.
26.Ken Shah & Prof. Param J. Shah Making Effective Decisions
27.Krasavin A. Business clearance// www.ko.ru
28.Lant, T., Milliken, F. & Batra, B. (1992). The role of managerial learning and interpretation in strategic persistence and reorientation: An empirical exploration. Strategic Management Journal, p. 585-608.
29.Leann Cardani Corporate Mission Statements:
30.Lepeti J., Eteni B., Marteau D. How to Arrive at Fair Value During a Crisis. 28 July, 2008 (
31.Liu Shengjun Corporate financial strategies for sustainable development [J]. Business Economics, 2007.-№ 8
32. Lyles, M & Schwenk, C. Top management, strategy, and organizational knowledge structures. Journal of Management Studies, 2002.- p. 155-174.
33.Main methods of business decision-making // http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/The-DecisionMaking-Process.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8863.html#ixzz12M7Z8xsv
34.Man’ko С.V. Accounting estimations fair cost in financial crisis//the Corporate financial reporting. The international standards, 2009. -№ 9
35.Mesarkishvilli A. Subaru find a new dealer in Novosibirsk//www.ksonline.ru
36.New Sberbank’s credit line for GK Peek is a sigh of stabilization or debt increasing?
37.Peek frozen projects in St.Peterburg// www.bn.ru
38.Rasskazov С.В, Rasskazova А.Н Cost methods of an estimation of efficiency of management of the company//Financial management, 2002.№3
39.Roik T Assessment of cost: what method to choose today?//http://www.vestnikao.com.ua/publ/7-1-0-123
40.Rostelecom is ready to crisis//www.comnews.ru
41.Russia became a third large market for Subaru//www.rbcdaily.ru
42.Salon V.S What is cost of the company and why it needs to operate//http://www.alt-invest.ru/library/investor/valman_example.htm
43.Strength of mind//Avtomobil, 2009
44.Structure of approaches and methods of an estimation of business and the companies
45.The Strategic Management Process// http://www.articlesbook.com/author/financewiki/
46.Wang Mai. Financial management to enhance corporate value. China's chief accountant, 2007.-№3
47.What top-manager should do to survive in crisis// www.AUTOMANIA.R
48.Yesilhark М.What are the roles and responsibilities of a finance department, 2000
49.Zajac, E. & Bazerman, M. Blind spots in industry and competitor analysis: Implications of interfirm (mis)perceptions for strategic decisions// Academy of Management Review, 2001.-p. 37-56.
50.Zheng Hongtao, sand source. What goes on in troubled corporate finance//The new financial management, 2005.- № 7
51.Zuckerman A. Leveraging Strategic Planning for Improved Financial Performance// Financial Management, 2000
52.Аkanov A. Peculiarityof an business estimation in crisis//the General director, 2009.№2

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Фрагменты работ

Принятие финансовых и стратегических решений в компании (международной)в период кризиса.

1 Theoretical bases of decision-making in company’s management
1.1Maintenance of decision-making. Decision-making stages
1.2Bases of strategic management in the company
1.3Model of strategic management
1.4 Concept of financial strategy of the company
2 Strategic targets in business, connection with financial strategy and financial management
2.1 Role of the financial department in company’s strategy
2.2 Cost of business as the basic indicator of strategic financial management
2.3 Evaluation (comparative analysis) of the management estimation during the financial crisis
3Company’s strategy during the crisis
The list of references

The list of references

2.A Competitive paper submitted to the 19th Annual IMP Conference
3.A Strategic Management Issue//http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_McGee
4.ACCA. Climbing out of the Credit Crunch. September, 2008
5.Bantel, K. & Jackson, S. Top management and innovations in banking. Strategic Management Journal, 1989/- p. 107-124.
6.Barr, P., Stimpert, L. & Huff, A. Cognitive change, strategic action, and organizational renewal. Strategic Management Journal, 13 (Special Issue), 1992.- p. 15-36
7.Bin Li The classical model of decision making has been accepted as not providing an fccurate account of how people typically make decisions//International Journal of Business and Management, 2008.-p.151
8.Bowett R. Organisation - decision-making in business// Huff & Reger, 2003
9.Calori, R., Johnson, G. & Sarnin, P. (1994). CEOs' cognitive maps and the scope of the organization. Strategic Management Journal, 1994.- p. 437-457
10.Camerer, C. Does strategy research need game theory? Strategic Management Journal, 1991.- p. 137-152
11.Charles R. Schwenk Strategic decision making - Special Issue: Yearly Review of Management//Journal of Management, 2005
12.Charles R. Schwenk trategic decision making - Special Issue: Yearly Review of Management //Journal of Management, 2005
13.Company in crisis// http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2010/12/08/finance/562949979263442
14.Comparative method of estimation of cost of the company
15.Corporate financial strategy and the implementation of the basic strategy // http://www.hi138.com
16.Cost of business in crisis//http://www.personalmoney.ru/txt.asp?sec=1528&id=1288298
17.Crisis forced Peek to change development strategy//www.sob.ru
18.Daily, C. & Schwenk, C.Chief executive officers, top management teams, and boards of directors: Congruent or countervailing forces// Journal of Management, 2003
19.Fadeeva A. Crisis helped to Rostelecom//http://www.rbcdaily.ru/2009/05/14/media/414167
20.Guy St. Clair and Martina J. Reich Financial Strategies and Budgeting// http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alice_Genes
21.Henkel vs Unilever: cometic companies fet over crisis//Trud, 17.06.09
22.Herz R. Lessons Learned, Relearned, and Relearned Again from the Global Financial Crisis – Accounting and Beyond. 08 December, 2008
23.Isaac, M. (1992). Research in experimental economics, Vol. 5. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
24.Joni Tikkanen, Aino Halinen Network Approach to Strategic Management – Exploration to the Emerging//
25.Keck, S. & Tushman, M. (1993). Environmental and organizational context and executive team structure. Academy of Management Journal, p. 1314-1344.
26.Ken Shah & Prof. Param J. Shah Making Effective Decisions
27.Krasavin A. Business clearance// www.ko.ru
28.Lant, T., Milliken, F. & Batra, B. (1992). The role of managerial learning and interpretation in strategic persistence and reorientation: An empirical exploration. Strategic Management Journal, p. 585-608.
29.Leann Cardani Corporate Mission Statements:
30.Lepeti J., Eteni B., Marteau D. How to Arrive at Fair Value During a Crisis. 28 July, 2008 (
31.Liu Shengjun Corporate financial strategies for sustainable development [J]. Business Economics, 2007.-№ 8
32. Lyles, M & Schwenk, C. Top management, strategy, and organizational knowledge structures. Journal of Management Studies, 2002.- p. 155-174.
33.Main methods of business decision-making // http://www.cliffsnotes.com/study_guide/The-DecisionMaking-Process.topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8863.html#ixzz12M7Z8xsv
34.Man’ko С.V. Accounting estimations fair cost in financial crisis//the Corporate financial reporting. The international standards, 2009. -№ 9
35.Mesarkishvilli A. Subaru find a new dealer in Novosibirsk//www.ksonline.ru
36.New Sberbank’s credit line for GK Peek is a sigh of stabilization or debt increasing?
37.Peek frozen projects in St.Peterburg// www.bn.ru
38.Rasskazov С.В, Rasskazova А.Н Cost methods of an estimation of efficiency of management of the company//Financial management, 2002.№3
39.Roik T Assessment of cost: what method to choose today?//http://www.vestnikao.com.ua/publ/7-1-0-123
40.Rostelecom is ready to crisis//www.comnews.ru
41.Russia became a third large market for Subaru//www.rbcdaily.ru
42.Salon V.S What is cost of the company and why it needs to operate//http://www.alt-invest.ru/library/investor/valman_example.htm
43.Strength of mind//Avtomobil, 2009
44.Structure of approaches and methods of an estimation of business and the companies
45.The Strategic Management Process// http://www.articlesbook.com/author/financewiki/
46.Wang Mai. Financial management to enhance corporate value. China's chief accountant, 2007.-№3
47.What top-manager should do to survive in crisis// www.AUTOMANIA.R
48.Yesilhark М.What are the roles and responsibilities of a finance department, 2000
49.Zajac, E. & Bazerman, M. Blind spots in industry and competitor analysis: Implications of interfirm (mis)perceptions for strategic decisions// Academy of Management Review, 2001.-p. 37-56.
50.Zheng Hongtao, sand source. What goes on in troubled corporate finance//The new financial management, 2005.- № 7
51.Zuckerman A. Leveraging Strategic Planning for Improved Financial Performance// Financial Management, 2000
52.Аkanov A. Peculiarityof an business estimation in crisis//the General director, 2009.№2

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Отзыв Эльза Ахкамиева об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2014-05-18
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Спасибо большое тебе за все работы! ВСЕ СУПЕР! ) Рекомендую как отличного автора, настоящего профессионала! Дай Бог тебе здоровья и твоей семье!

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Отзыв zmey об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2018-07-09
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Защитил диплом по большей части благодаря этому автору. Обращался уже много раз, хочу отметить качество работы, честность, скорость работы, автор делает очень быстро-раньше срока. Всегда можно обратиться если что-то не понятно-подскажет. Спасибо большое, приятно что есть такие профессионалы

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Отзыв ЦГиТН об авторе EkaterinaKonstantinovna 2019-02-14
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Отличный автор! Рекомендую! Все в срок.

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хорошая работа. Рекомендую

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