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выполнено на сервисе Автор24
Студенческая работа на тему:
Competition write the dialogue ( to evaluate the teacher point of view)
Создан заказ №1010886
7 марта 2016

Competition write the dialogue ( to evaluate the teacher point of view)

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
TEXT B. DIALOGUE A n n : Hullo, Steve. Have you got a minute? S t e v e : Sure, yes. What can I do for you? A.: I've read a number of books on the British system of higher education but I can't make head or tail of it. S.: Mm... no wonder. What's the problem? A.: Quite a lot of problems. What I want to discuss is the difference between a university and a college. S.: It's like this, you see... The programme is different. At a university it is much wider. Great attention is paid to scientific subjects. A: It sounds as though most people prefer a university. S.: Well... that rather depends. A.: Speaking about universities I'm not quite clear about tutorials there. What is a tutorial exactly? S.: Oh, it's when students discuss topics with a tutor in very small groups — usually there are not more than three or four students and sometimes only one. A.: I see... And coming back to colleges... I'm still not terribly sure what a residential college is. S.: Erm... It's a college with a hall of residence[49] on the same grounds as the principal building. In fact all the students live in hall. A: Really? and what about the teaching staff? S.: Actually the majority of the teaching staff live there too. But there are also quite a lot of non-residential colleges. A: And you studied at university? S.: Yes... A.: I'd like to find myself in that university. What was it like? S.: Well... a big grey building surrounded by trees. A: Beautiful? S.: Nothing very remarkable. Of course there were lecture halls, classrooms and a number of laboratories. A: Any facilities for sport and P.E.[50] S.: Let me see... Yes... A gymnasium with changing rooms and showers, a tennis court... What else... A playing field for netball and football... A.: I believe students spend a lot of time together, don't they? S.: Definitely. We had students' societies and clubs. A.: Am I right to believe that they are for those interested in drama and music? S.: Quite... and also politics, modern languages, literature, science and athletics. A: Ah... that's worth knowing. S.: And what I'd like to add is that students themselves organize all those clubs and societies. There is usually a Students' Council or Union. A.: Well Steve. Thanks very much. You've been most helpful. Задание: Write a summary of the dialogue between Ann and Steve. (See Text B.) Think of the best topic sentences introducing or/and completing your summary. ( to evaluate the teacher point of view) небольшой и доступный 13-15 предложени
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8 марта 2016
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Competition write the dialogue ( to evaluate the teacher point of view) .docx
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