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Перевод английского языка
Создан заказ №558344
17 апреля 2015

Перевод английского языка

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Контрольная работа №2 по английскому языку для заочного отделения (специальность: Агроинженерия ) Вариант 1 b) Найдите в тексте подлежащие и сказуемые и определите, чем они выражены. d) Письменно переведите текст на русский язык. Harvesting Harvesting, like other phases of farming, has undergo ne a revolution during recent years. The change from the cradle to the self-binding reaper marked a great advance in Agriculture and made possible an enormous expansion in grain production. No less important has been the shift from binder harvest to the use of the combine harvester-thresher. The number of acres of grain that can be farmed per man is much greater today than was a few years ago. The farmer plans to harvest his crops just as early as possible* but not before the crop is mature enough to give maximum yields of superior quality. If wheat is cut too early, the grain may be shriveled and the quality inferior. Too early harvesting with the combine may result in heating the grain in storage. If it is left too long, shattering losses to the grower It is a common belief among some farmers that small grain crops heavily attacked by rust should be harvested before they mature to secure the best yields. Some scientists have shown this to be incorrect. Grain plants continue to develop their seeds as long as the plant has a water content of more than 40 per cent. Rust may slow the maturity rate of the grain plants, but even under these conditions it is better to delay harvest until the normal time. The farmers who have large acreages may feel it necessary to start harvest as nearly as possible or order to complete the job within a reasonable period. It is best, however, to delay the start of harvest until the grain is in the dough stage. As this time no further materials are being elaborated, and ripening is a matter of water loss. Care must be taken to avoid spoilage from the high water content of the straw if the crop is cut with a binder and shocked. Some varieties tend to have green straw after the grain is ripe enough for harvest, and care must be exercised to prevent spoilage in the shock. When grain is harvested with a binder, it is said to contain 20 to 30 per cent water. Naturally such grain must be dried before threshing. Usually the drying process is completed in the shocks formed from the bundles.
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик принял работу без использования гарантии
18 апреля 2015
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
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Перевод английского языка.docx
2015-04-21 00:36
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