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Необходимо написать 14 тем на английском языке с использованием прикреплённой лексики
Создан заказ №2180814
10 июня 2017

Необходимо написать 14 тем на английском языке с использованием прикреплённой лексики

Как заказчик описал требования к работе:
Объем 200-300 слов, % оригинальности не важен. 1. What values should we teach our children? 2. Agree or disagree with statement: the most painful time is time ia adolscence with intense feeling, lack of confidence and rebellion against authority. 3. Are you living with your parents or relatives now ? Why? Should young married couples live with their in-laws? 4. "Children and television" is an issue about which teachers and parents are naturally very concerned. Does television have negative or positive influences on children? 5. What is foklore? Is it important for the younger generation to study it? What is the role of folk holidays is in cultural development of a nation? 6. Do you agree that marriage licence is a worthless piece of paper? Express your opinion. 7. Do you agree with the view that television is gradually replacing reading? Or is reading still popular with both adults and children? Will television viewing oust other activities? 8. The child rearing is not an easy task. Are there any rules for parents to follow to bring up a happy child? What traits of a parent should you consider most favourable for a child? 9. How can we manage television? Are there any ways to keep kids from watching TV? 10. Should parents select cartoons carefully? Or are cartoons harmless? 11. What makes a child difficult? What traits of character would you consider prominent in a difficult child? 12. Some young people refuse to observe the old rituals and have a wedding party considering it terrible nuisance and a waste of money . What is your idea of celebrating a wedding? 13. Can we maintain that television is in danger of becoming a national disease ? What are its effects? 14. By nature , men and women aren't made for each other . How to outsmart our DNA and live happily ever after. What is the science of a happy marrige
200 ₽
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20 дней
Заказчик воспользовался гарантией, чтобы исполнитель повысил уникальность работы
11 июня 2017
Заказ завершен, заказчик получил финальный файл с работой
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Необходимо написать 14 тем на английском языке с использованием прикреплённой лексики.docx
2017-06-14 20:06
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